Monday, August 10, 2009

Another Miserable Monday

But at least it's going to brighten up this afternoon (According to Metcheck anyway) so the Kilvey Hill ride should be a bit warmer (fingers crossed on that one). We'll be up the hill from about 6ish onwards, mostly around the DH track but also riding the singletrack on either side.
Shop News:-
We've got some good looking fast hybrids on the shop floor so ideal for that commute. the new Merida range is due to be announced soon so hopefully we'll have new brochures and some stock fairly soon, new colour schemes and graphics for 2010.
DiamondBack BMX's are coming as well, designed by KHE for DiamondBack they are promising to make a big impact. With Sam Pilgrim riding a 24" DiamondBack for dirt jumping we are seeing the return of a major brand. I'll be posting pics of the new range when we get them.

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